What is Pitta in Ayurveda?

Summer is Pitta season - pitta is also one of the 3 personal constitution types in Eastern medicine: Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Each roughly corresponds to what we in  Western medicine call serotonin, dopamin and GABA dominant natures. Pitta imbalance is often seen in overeating and binge patterns.

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Omega 3 from plant vs. marine sources

In recent years, a "myth" of sorts has sprung up, where people who avoid animal foods believe they can simply consume plant-based omega-3 ALA to meet their needs. But this isn't true and the science doesn't support this assertion. Omega-3s EPA and DHA from marine animal and plant sources are NOT interchangeable. Plant sources that contain omega-3 ALA do not provide the same benefits as the omega-3s you find in marine sources. 

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The no. 1 fat that detox toxins and emotional stress.

Our emotional health is closely tied to our physical health. For every emotion there is a biochemical equation. As an example, when we are under stress, we store fat and crave sugar, carbs and stimulants. We also store “molecules of emotion” in our fat cells. 

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Cinnamon Essential Oil To Stabilize Bloodsugar

One of the first things, that will always be affected prior to the relapse, will be a blood sugar fluctuation. Blood sugar is a driver for other biochemicals parameters, such as serotonin and beta-endorphins, which drive addictive behaviors. So what is the takeaway lesson here? Understanding that managing your blood sugar is a constant focus point throughout recovery. Addicts have a very low stress tolerance level, and this translates to being exceptionally sensitive to blood sugar imbalances. 

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A hangover = an acute nutritional deficiency (+top 3 remedies to combat candida)

Alcohol and drugs deplete the body of B-complex vitamins, zinc, magnesium and other nutrients. A hangover is mainly an acute nutritional deficiency. When we begin drinking alcohol the nutrient deficiencies worsen, and this further increases the cravings for alcohol or sugar. The body can run on alcohol although it is a poor fuel, as it wrecks our body balance over time. Often we will find ourselves going after carbs or sugar when cutting down on alcohol. Alcohol and sugar addiction is closely tied, why it is not uncommon to find food addiction issues surface after alcohol rehab. The biochemical and nutritional aspects of addiction, are still not widely understood in the medical community. Some of the major nutritional causes for alcohol addiction and cravings include nutrient deficiencies, toxic metal excess, adrenal gland exhaustion, blood sugar issues and  yeast infection in the intestines.

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My 4 Favorite Fatty Foods For Addiction Recovery

Post addiction, chronic inflammation is the key health concern that needs to be addressed. Inflammation of both brain and body is the trigger of a wide range of health issues in recovery - including depression, cravings, hormonal imbalances, bone density issues and low fertility. And let's not forget the often notorious rapid weight gain that happens after beating an addiction due to severe metabolic dysfunction following. This can be the final straw for many, as they struggle through addiction recovery. It is a well-known fact the addicts already have a poor body image, and now weight gain happens. Metabolic dysfunction and the hormones involved in inflammation, such as thyroid, estrogen-testosterone balance, insulin and cortisol, determine how our body reacts in addiction recovery. Another low-cal diet won't matter here, as our body is so out of wack it is not able to enter the  "fatburn zone" due to chronic inflammation and hormone imbalance. So, which 4 foods help to provide the distinctly different types of fats needed in recovery to repair hormones, bones, brain and body?

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The 6 Key Probiotics Needed For Optimal Mental + Physical Health

Our gut is the primary driver of optimal health. This is where nutrient breakdown and assimilation happens. We know that we are not what we eat, rather what we absorb. Eating "healthy" means nothing if our gut is damaged. Alcohol, drugs and too much sugar, coffee and chemicals incl. gmo and pesticide-laden foods will sooner or later compromise our gut health, leading to a variety of symptoms. Surface symptoms that we may not link back to our gut, as the primary driver behind the dysfunction we are dealing with.

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After breaking the chains of addictions, we often find ourselves seeking out other ways to "cleanse" our body+soul from our destructive past. We long for the simple, perfect life. We want to start over. Whether we want to admit it or not - the pull of the quick-fix and rigid way of living in a detox, taps right into or black-white addictive thinking pattern. On the flip-side, one could argue for that it resets our body, and breaks the junkfood addiction that many of us also struggle with. So what to do?

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3 Things To Help Deep Sleep

Lack of sleep is one of the most typical issues I get asked about. We live in a stress-filled world, where we are constantly exposed to nervous system overstimulation through our electronic devices and smart phones, wifi and EMF.  Add to that, it is well-known that addictions and eating disorders cause major damage to the sleep related neurohormones, serotonin and melatonin. Luckily once you have weaned off drugs, you can reset your sleep cycle. Read on to get my favorite 3 remedies to help the body get back into deep sleep mode in 3 months or less....

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